2,300 days

Rev 11:11-12 tells us that after 3 1/2 days, the Two Witnesses stood on their feet, and “went straight up into heaven in a cloud.” This began the First Resurrection described in Rev 20:4, the Martyrs began their 1,000 year reign with Christ.

The time, times, and half a time was described in Dan 12:11 as 1,290 days in which the kingdom of heaven was corrupted. In Dan 8:14 we are told that after 2,300 days the sanctuary will be cleansed. That is after 1,000 years (2,300 – 1,290).

In August 1468, the Moravians declared their independence from the Pope, but were hunted like deer in the forests of Bohemia for 3 1/2 years, until February or March of 1471, when the Archbishop and King died, and the saints were freed from the power of the Pope. This ended the time, times and half in the hand of the beast, and began the 1,000 year reign of the Marytrs with Christ.


a) 1471

The Moravian brethren declared their independence from the Pope in August 1468, but were hunted like deer in the forest of Bohemia for 3 1/2 years, until Archbishop Jan Rokycana died on February 22, 1471. One month later, King George Prodebrady died, and the opposition stopped. George Prodebrady was succeeded by Vladislaus. All the imprisoned members of the brethren were set free, public services began, and the new independent church prospered. This occurred three and a half days, or years, after the death of Bishop Stephan.

b) 2493

This date is the estimate we arrive at from Dan 8:14, “for 2,300 days then the sanctuary will be cleansed.” The place of God’s sanctuary was cast to the ground when Satan exalted himself as hight as Christ in 193, when the bishop of Rome excommunicated the Churches of Asia because they disagreed with his doctrine of Easter Sunday. Adding 2,300 days, or years, to 193 we come to 2493. Of course, this can only be a round estimate, because there may not be a single sign by which we can confirm the exact fulfillment of this date. And so it is also roughly expressed as “1,000 years” from the end of the time, times, and half a time.