Rev 19:11

11 I saw the heaven opened, and behold, a white horse, and he who sat on it is called Faithful and True. In righteousness he judges and makes war. 

a white horse –  in Zech 6:4, black horses, the spirits who follow the Antichrist, go to the North Country (the king of the North in Dan 11), and white horses go after them. “Those (white horses) going toward the North have appeased my wrath in the land of the north.” (Zech 6:8).

Faithful and True – the true Church is faithful to the words of Christ and God. The Spirit of Christ is called the “faithful and true witness” in Rev 3:14. This is also the description of goodness applied to the seven Churches, as the body of Christ, see Rev 2:2, Rev 2:10.

He judges – judges what is true.

wages war – against the false teachings of the beast.