Rev 19:12

12 His eyes are a flame of fire, and on his head are many crowns. He has names written and a name written which no one knows but he himself.

eyes are a flame of fire – from Dan 10:6; Rev 1:14. There are different explanations for the eyes with flames of fire. Perhaps it represents the wrath of Almighty God. Fire, represents the holy spirit, the spirit of truth. With the Spirit of truth, the saints can see the truth of the Bible clearly, and so their eyes are as flames of fire.

on His head are many diadems – similar to the many crowns of the saints (Rev 3:11); these are actually the diadems of these saints. Diadems are thin bands worn by those in battle, which were first worn by the beast, see Rev 13:1. Now diadems are worn by those on the side of Christ, signifying the victory of the Spirit of Christ.

a name which no one knows but himself – describing the saints in Rev 2:17. The opposition to Satan’s deception is fought by unknown warriors, those who only have a reputation in the eyes of God.