Zech 14:2

3 Then Yihvah will go out and fight against those nations, as when he fought in the day of battle.

Yihvah will fight as when He fights on a day of battle –  Yihvah, the Angel of Yihvah, was the warrior for Israel, and the captain of the armies. Normally, we think of the Day of the LORD, as the great Day of God’s wrath, but Rev 6:17 calls it “the Great Day of their wrath” – the wrath of Christ and God – “of Him who sits on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb.” The battle being described here, can be thought of first describing the Spirit of Christ who strikes down the nations, using the Word of God, as the Rider on the White Horse, in Rev 19; and secondly as the warrior who comes with His Angels, in the last day to save His saints, and punish their enemies.