Hos 2:11

11 I will also cause all her celebrations to cease: Her feasts, her new moons, her Sabbaths, and all her solemn assemblies. 

I will cause her mirth to cease…her feast days, her new moons, her sabbaths – God is going to end the relationship with His people, that is based on the “basic principles of this world” – Col 2:8,16; Gal 4:9, John 4:21, etc. We do not worship God only in a particular place, or on a particular day, our entire life is devoted to God. In every place, and at every time, we are seeking to bring Him glory. Of course, this does not end God’s commandment to rest on the Sabbath Day, as has been interpreted by some. It is still God’s will for us to rest in unity with Him, and one another, according to His commandment.