Rev 13:8

8 All who dwell on the earth will worship him, everyone whose name has not been written from the foundation of the world in the book of life of the Lamb who has been killed. 

All who dwell on earth – they are not the saints described in verse 6. They worship according to the teachings of men, they bow down to the teachings of the beast.

all will worship him – the word for worship, in Greek, means to “bow down and kiss.” Not all believers worshipped the beast, as we mentioned in Chapter 11: the countries of Europe “swelled with dissidents who repelled as the Antichrist the Bishop of Rome.” They would not “bow down” to the Bishop of Rome or the “false Christ” he represented.

whose name has not written from the foundation of the world– Bible translations are divided on whether the phrase “from the foundation of the world” applies to the Lamb who was slain, or the writing of the name of the saints in the Book of Life. In the Greek, the phrase “from the foundation of the world” directly follows “the Lamb who was slain.” Therefore, this sentence is translated as, “the Lamb who was slain from the foundation of the world,” in the King James and New International Versions. Both views can be supported. Most definitely, Jesus Christ was the Lamb who was slain, in a forward looking manner. John 3:16 says: “for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son.” The idea that one’s name was written in the Book of Life before creation, and before completing the course of life is supported by Eph 1:5, and Rev 3:5.